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I want my childrens books to be pocket money items and have priced them accordingly on Kindle. Sea Change is a short book because I couldn't wait to see my ideas in  print so again is priced to encourage people to try it. I may not be able to price the paperbacks so reasonably because of the costs of printing but will do my best.

My Books.

Sprocket and the Heart of the North


The forth of the Sprocket Sagas, Sprocket and the Heart of the North deals with an ancient legend and curse.

What was the Heart of the North?

Why are the trees dieing?

Can the team from Pudding Founders Lane and the Fearsome Four save the Day?

Nopw available. Keep a look out. 


Available on Kindle £2.40

Available in Paperback £5.30

Sprocket and the Poison Portal


Now published, this third Sprocket Saga has more fun for the Fearsome Four and a whole raft of new characters to get to know. You will meet more types of dragon and Foresters and the members of B.A.D.W.I.F so buckle your seatbelts and prepare for a white knuckle ride.

Will Dragon World be poluted by poison from our world? Will the Foresters find a new home? What is a Pong Pear? Will Wrens and Rats save the day?


Available on Kindle £2.07

Available in Paperback £4.93

Sprocket and the Great northern Forest



Do you believe in DRAGONS? A book for fantasy lovers of all ages.

On a bitter night of late November a dark and mysterious figure pushes a box through a gap in a scrap yard fence and hurries away into the darkness. Follow the adventurers of the team from 7 Pudding Founders Lane as man, dog, crow and dragon set out to fight for right in a world gone bad. Get a story with great northern bite.

Available on Kindle £1.19

Available in paper back £3.99

Sprocket and the Great Museum Scam


Now you believe in dragons find out who pushed the egg through the fence and what happens when three crooks decide to steal from all the museums in the country. What will Sprocket, Mrs Mumbly and Blaggard do about it? Who are the Fearsome Four? Discover Dragon World. and have another exciting adventure with all your friends at 7 Pudding Founders Lane.


Available on Kindle £2.24

Available in Paperback £4.69


Sea Change (Human Advance book 1)


Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. If you could have your way, if you had all the information at your finger tips, if anything was possible, could you cope? Would you control it or would it control you?

See what happens when all is possible. Could you avoid the unintended consequences? Would you want the responsibility?

A retired man dissatisfied with his lot, trips over taking a short cut home and makes a find that will change his life and the world he lives in.


Available on Kindle £0.99

Available in Paperback £3.99

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